Where can he put all his loving?.
It´s in his heart, it´s bulging
A troll´ s longing is dangerous
His guts are practically smoking
I don´t believe this!
Stop y our jumping and y odling.
Look, they´re green.
What kind of creeps are y ou?
We´re sorry to bother y ou,
f ine strangers.
We´d like to show our hospitality
with these modest gifts.
-We ain´t no creeps.
We´re no creeps.
We are just regular elves.
We live in this village.
We welcome y ou to our f orest
and our village.
We´ve observed y ou from af ar
and come to the conclusion -
that we could live as friends.
-Shut up, freaky pix ie.
We´re trolls and this village is
now ours. There´s no room f or y ou.
Get out, go away!
-That´s not f air.
What? Trolls, drive those disgusting
wimpy pukes out of our village.
Shout and bellow
and toss them about!
Growl and bluster!
You, f at boy, show them!
Prance about, go on now!
And y ou f lakey...
We understand.
We don´t want a f ight. We´II leave.
Farewell then, y ou terrible trolls.
What weird creeps.