Rat Race

So long, suckers!
- The bus! The bus.
- You wanna steal a bus?

- Yes, I do.
- My God, what have I done?

Help! Somebody help me!
This thing's got
a mind of its own.

- Finders keepers, pal.
- That's mine.

I see it!
I see it! Relax!

It means it's a scratch.
Nobody wins.

I'll tell you what it means.
We're going into extra innings.

Carla, call the airport. Tell them
to get my other Lear ready.

Gordon, stay here and watch the
board. Tell us where they're going.

Gentlemen, grab your drinks.
We're going to Silver City.

- Is that it?
- That's it.

Thank the pilot.
Tell him to level off.

Who had Mr. Kimiche?
- It was me.
- Well done!

- Congratulations.
- Very good.

Keep going!
Come on!
There it is.
It's coming down right there.
