Calm down, both of you. Not so loud.
Let's see...
This is no time to sit back and watch!
Defense comes first.
Offense is better !
Don't be so rash!
Togo's power is even with ours.
Many men would die.
If Hosokawa raids us in the confusion,
we'll see slaughter.
You've changed, Princess.
As tough as the late lord.
He's gone.
Starting today.
I'll be master of this domain.
Anyone who disobeys me must leave.
Excuse me.
Lord Togo is waiting.
I'm coming.
You'll be master? You'll fight
on the battlefield too?
Do you like war, Lord Togo?
Sometimes it's unavoidable.
What do you fight for?
This nation.
So my grandfather said.
Then you want my domain too?