to set computer users free
using open information and
the free exchange of technology
to achieve its goals.
This revolution began in the 1980's with
the Free Software Movement and GNU project.
And now is most commonly associated
with Linux and the Open Source Movement.
What is Linux?
We do have one sector that taking off today.
It is the Linux-related sector.
And I thought this might be
a good opportunity to say,
"What is Linux?"
And I'll answer this question for you.
Many of you probably already know,
There are 12 million users out there
A computer Operating System
developed by hundreds of
programmers collaborating on the Internet
A challenge to Microsoft Windows NT
Very popular for its speed
and so this's what the craze is about
To kind of explain what Linux is you have to
explain what an Operating System is
And... the thing about Operating System is
you, I mean...
you're never ever supposed to see it.
nobody really uses an Operating System,
people use... programs... on their computer
And the only mission in life
of an operating system is to help
those programs run.
So an operating system never does
anything on its own
It's only waiting for the programs to
ask for certain resources or,
or, ask for a certain file on the disk
or ask for the programs to
connect them to the outside world.
And then the operating system
comes, steps in and then
tries to make it easy for people
to write programs
And, What is Open Source?
Open Source is a way for people to collaborate
on software without being encumbered
by all of the problems of intellectual property,