Revolution OS

They are the ones who give
hobbyists a bad name,

and should be kicked out of any
club meeting they show up at.

I would appreciate letters from
anyone who wants to pay up,

or has a suggestion or comment.
Signed Bill Gates, General partner, Micro-Soft.
In the late 70's and early 1980's,
Richard Stallman was

doing Artificial Intelligence research and coding
at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab.
Richard had a number of negative experiences
during that period which soured him
on the whole idea of commercial software.
[ such as? ]
uh... some company wanted to work on and
wanted to fix was locked up.

and he couldn't get the company that owned
on the code to let him fix it

even though it would have been to their advantage to do so.
And that put me into a moral dilemma, you see?
Because to get one of the modern computers
of the day, which was the early 80's,

you would have to get a proprietory
operating system.

The developers of those systems
didn't share with other people,

Instead they tried to control the users,
dominate the users, restrict them.
Say, if to get the system,
you have to sign a promise you won't
share with anybody else.

And to me that was essentially a promise
to be a bad person,

to betray the rest of the world,
cut myself off from society
from a cooperating community.

And I had already experienced what happened
when other people did that to us,

when they refused to share with us.
because they had signed these contracts.
And it hurt the whole lab,
it kept us from doing useful things before.
So I just wasn't going to do that.
I thought,"This is wrong!
I am not going to live this way"

And from experiences like this
he developed a profound hostility
