to the idea of
intellectual property and software.
He eventually acted this out
by founding the Free Software Foundation.
So, I looked for another alternative
and I realized:
I was an operating system developer.
If I were to develop another operating system.
And then as the author,
encourage everyone to share it.
Say, everyone, " You come and get it,
use this, form a new community"
Not only could I gave myself a way
to keep using computers without
betraying other people,
but I'd give it to everybody else, too.
Everybody would have a
way out of that moral dilemma
And so I realized this was
what I had to do with my life.
I actually began the project in January of 1984.
That's when I resigned for my job at MIT
to start developing the GNU operating system.
Now I should explain the name GNU is a hack.
Because it's a recursive acronym.
It stands for "GNU's Not Unix".
You see so the "G" in "GNU" stands for "GNU".
And what the name means is
I was developing a system that was like
the Unix operating system,
but was not the Unix operating system.
This was a different system.
We would have to write it completely
from scratch
because Unix was proprietory.
We were forbidden to share Unix,
We couldn't use Unix.
It was useless for a community.
So we had to write a replacement for it.
Throughout the 1980s,
as Richard Stallman was building the GNU project,
computer scientists from
the University of California at Berkeley