Well... we had to... to have a complete system,
you need to have a kernel, which is the program that
allocates resources to all the other programs,
you need a compiler, which translates a program
from readable source code
that programmers can understand into numbers,
mysterious numbers
that the computer can actually run.
you need other programs
that go with the compiler to help do this job.
you need a debugger.
you need a text editor.
you need text formatters.
you need mailers...
you need lots and lots of things.
There are hundreds of programs
in a Unix-like operating system.
I saw Stallman's announcement.
Actually I met him in February of 1987.
He came to give a five-day tutorial
on Emacs at our company.
And during the day he would explain
new ways to think about Emacs
and ways to extend it, enhance it,
and to use the Emacs source code
uh, for better or worse.
But in the evening,
he was busily working on this compiler,
and he had not yet released it to the public,
so he was uh, being a little bit uh,
careful about
who, who got to see the source code.
But I was very eager,
and when he first announced it in June,
I downloaded it immediately.
I, I played with it.
I got some, some pointers from him.
And when I sent the source code back to him,
he was very,
uh, actually amazed that how quickly
I was able to ramp up on his technology.
Whenever we worked on something
at Stanford or in the university,
Whenever we worked on something
at Stanford or in the university,
we would get, mostly at the time
we were working off machines
from Digital Equipment or Sun, mostly Sun.
Whenever we would get a Sun machine,
the first thing we would do is
we would spend literally days