Revolution OS

The idea of Copyleft is that
it's "Copyright" flipped over.

And what we do is, we say,
this software is copyrighted
and we, the authors give you permission
to redistribute copies,

we give you permission to change,
we give you permission to add to it.
But when you redistribute it,
it has to be under these terms,
no more and no less.

So that whoever gets it from you
also gets the freedom to cooperate
with other people, if he wants to.

And then, in this way everywhere the software goes,
the freedom goes, too.
And it becomes an inalienable right
to cooperate with other people and form a community.
[ And so, what is that? the license?
what was that... ]

Well, Copyleft being a general idea,
in order to use it, you have to have specific example.
The specific example we use for
most GNU software packages

is the GNU General Public License,
a particular document in legalese
which accomplishes this job.

A lot of other people use that same license,
for example,

Linus Torvalds uses that license for Linux as well.
Well, the license I use is the
GNU General Public License.

That's the one Richard Stallman wrote.
And I think it is really astounding contribution.
Uh, it's one of the few software licenses
that was written

from the standpoint of the community rather than
from the standpoint of um, protecting a company
or um, as is the case with MIT and BSD license
performing the goals of
a government grant program.

Uh, and the GPL is really unique in that.
