you have a choice of businesses... that
are in the business of
providing you with support.
So they are going to have to in general give you
good support or you go to somebody else.
With proprietory software,
support is a monopoly, there is one company,
typically, that has the source code
and only they can give you support
so typically, you are at the mercy of a monopoly.
That's the case, for example with Microsoft.
So no wonder the support is so bad.
The benefits of Free Software were
tremendous but the cost of supporting it internally
uh, and made managers very very nervous and
so the fundamental idea I had was
if we can build a model
that could deliver two to four times the support
and uh, and uh, and hand holding capability
that an internal engineer could provide.
And we could do it at 1/2 to 1/4 of the cost
that would meet the test of whether or not
people would actually buy.
And by about the Fall of that year, we had
all the things worked out about who
needed on the technical team, what
the terms the sale would be, what
the key price point were, and we
actually received our incorporation in Nov of 1989.
One of the most difficult things in starting our company
was actually finding a name for it.
I explained this to one of my friends
"we're having difficulty"
and he returned an e-mail message
that basically just had a bunch of words
with the name "GNU" in it.
And "Cygnus" was the one that
looked least obnoxious and least obscene.
I can say very clearly that Cygnus
was the first business that specialized in Free Software.
Cygnus supported Free Software,