Well, I think it's justified but it is justified
if you actually make GNU distribution of Linux.
The same way that I think that Red Hat Linux
is fine or SuSE Linux, or Debian Linux.
Uh, because if you actually make your
own distribution of Linux
You get to name the thing.
But calling Linux in general "GNU Linux"
I think, is just ridiculous.
I got involved in Fall '93.
Because I was sent a copy of the first CD-ROM
commercial Linux distribution,
which was called Yggdrasi produced by Adam Richter.
And I got a copy because...
I had been myself writing Free Software for
a long time since the early 80's.
I was actually one of the
early GNU contributors myself.
And I was absolutely astonished,
I was completely astonished.
Because I've been a software engineer
for nearly 15 years at that point.
And according to all the rules I knew...
about controlling complexity,
keeping a project group small,
having closely managed objectives.
Linux should have been a disaster, and it wasn't.
Instead, it was something wonderful,
and I was determined to figure out
how they were getting a way with that.
In order for Linux to grow beyond
the world of the computer programmer
It needed a use, an application
that made it a must-have technology
That threshold was crossed
with the development of a program
that made complex websites possible
That program is the Apache web server.
The killer app of Linux was undoubtedly
the Apache web server.
If you look at the history of Linux,
the adoption curve of Linux and
the adoption curve of the Internet
exactly track each other.