Revolution OS

We moved here in early 1995.
This is 4,000 square feet.
It was an incredible leap of faith for us to
move out and take the company to our own office.

Now what's really important about this place
is that this is the office
where the term "Open Source" was invented.

If you walk in to an executive's office
and say "Free Software",

OK, If you're lucky, the response
you'll get is something like,

"hmm, hmm, Free Software, must be
cheap, shoddy, worthless."

Uh, and if you're not lucky,
it has associations with, uh.

with the Free Software Foundation's
wholesale attack on intellectual property rights,

which regardless of what
you think about the ethics of that,

it's lousy marketing, it's not something
that businesses want to hear.

So Eric Raymond knew there was a problem.
We'd been calling this Free Software,
but people took the term "Free"
and associated with "Free of charge",

they thought they couldn't make money or couldn't sell,
which is exactly the wrong concept.
We wanted to get across the idea the software
was open and that the source code was available.

Very important pieces.
We had this meeting at the VA offices
in Mountain View, where Eric,

myself, and Christine Peterson from Foresight Institute
joined us as well as some other people.

Christine Peterson was there by phone. uh..
Jon "Mad dog" Hall was also there by phone. uh..
And then Todd Anderson, who later worked for
SuSE for a while was there.

Sam Ockman who now runs Penguin Computing was there.
