Okay, go.
Janet, like this.
I feel weird, Bev.
Weird? Wait till he shoves
his tongue in your mouth.
Ann, did you get the lights
for the dining room?
l"m looking for them, Teresa.
Now this is Christmas, huh?
Yes, it"s beautif ul.
Have Lou look for them.
She wants it up
before Leo and Bev get back.
I gotta go.
Okay, Leo.
Beverly Ann Donof rio, your father"s
waiting to go buy the tree!
l"m coming, Mom!
Okay, so is Christmas.
-This song"s giving me a headache.
-Wait. Before you go with Pop.
Why would a guy
put his tongue in my mouth?
A boy does that because
he wants you to bite it off.
Bye, Mom.
-You ready?
Let"s go.
-Pop, everyone"s decorating the house.
Janet wanted to come.
When you"re in college,
it"II be her turn.
Dreaming of warmth?
Dream with the Everly Brothers.
-Good, that"s our song!
-Great! Ready? One, two: