Did I show you the galleys?
It"s starting to look
like a real book.
-Did you just put spit in my hair?
-Yeah, l"m fixing it. Sorry.
Just a little--
I have a surprise for you.
I finished the dedication.
"Of the many men who have come into my
life, there is finally one I trust.
Jason, this book is for you."
Don"t take this the wrong way...
...but don"t dedicate the book to me.
Let"s just leave it at that.
Just don"t.
Fine. Fine. Great.
l"m sorry, it is possible I have
my own stuff going on today.
What? What is it?
No. It"s nothing.
l"II get over it. Look, don"t worry.
l"m having a bad day.
What"s one bad day, right?
One day? Are you kidding?
Let me quote myself.
"One day can make your life.
One day can ruin your life.
All life is, is four or five big days
that change everything."
Sky Barrister is my dreamboat!
Sit down, you"II hurt yourself.
Be caref ul.