-Tina, you need a little more rouge.
-I have some right here.
Hey, Bev! Tina!
-Where you going?
-We"re going to a party!
-Can we come?
She wouldn"t let us come
to some party.
Are we invited to this party?
-They"re Fay"s f riends.
-They"re not.
My parents are f riends
with their parents.
What"s important is
Sky Barrister will be there.
Sky has had his hands
in everything you got.
And has a ton of your poems.
And does he call you once?
No. Bev, you are truly a great person.
But someone as conceited
as Sky won"t see that.
Because all he can see is himself.
-You know l"m right.
-It"s true, Bev.
-Let me wear that dress.
If I look half as beautif ul
as you in that dress...
...Sky will have to notice me.
-You can wear my dress.
No, Bev. It won"t fit.
-You got to let me wear that dress.
Because I love you.
-Please, please, please.
-All right.
Put the top up!
Look at all these new cars.
Tina, park in the street.
Come on!
-Did you take my scarf?
-I got it. You"re sitting on my purse.
Bobby will crash with his f riend.
This dress is swimming on me.
And don"t blame me
if this party"s boring and no f un.