Riding in Cars with Boys

Can I have a cigarette?
You"re blowing it out.
You"re blowing it out.
Don"t breathe out. You do it.

I know you. You were in the play
at the high school.

You"re Fay"s f riend.
You"re the smart one.

l"m Ray Hasek.
Bobby"s f riend.
Fay made us go because she painted
all the background stuff. Remember?

-You were the girl.

You were beautif ul.
I told Bobby, "You watch,
that girl"s gonna be something."

-That"s what I said.
-I write my own stuff too.

-And l"m probably gonna go to NYU.
-l"m sorry.

But no, that"s good. Wow.
Look, I know it"s none of my business,
but why are you crying?

Because of this guy.
He said very personal stuff about me
in f ront of everyone.

But the poem was good.
I think it"II hit him on the way home.

Wait. Who is this guy?
Sky Barrister.
Oh, yeah. I know that asshole.
l"II go tell him not
to say stuff about you.

He"s very handsome,
so don"t hit him in the face.

What is she still doing here?
