Janet? You"d better be asleep!
What was that?
What are they doing?
I don"t know.
-What are you doing?
Dear Mom and Pop.:
The prospect of you reading this
so shatters me that...
.../'m a stranger to myself.
y our fears over my behavior,
which / thought unreasonable...
...seem now the stuff of wisdom.
/ have terrible news
/'ve been withholding from you.
"But, like poison
f rom an adder"s tongue...
...I have to spit it out.
I am pregnant."
Wow. That"s really good writing.
There's more.
Perhaps after the anger,
which you have every right to feel...
...you will remember
/ am the daughter you loved.
This is what we"II do. She"II go
to school until she starts to show.