Hold it tight.
It was my boss.
I had to go.
Look at me.
You"re the man of this house.
Bring home the bacon.
If you say you"II be here, be here!
-No lying, no drinking!
Help! Come on!
What"s happening?
Oh, Bev.
-Your water broke.
Is that supposed to happen?
-l"m so ex cited.
-This is so gross.
Hello, beautif ul.
Hello, beautif ul baby.
Is this the most
beautif ul baby you"ve ever seen?
l"m serious. Is this the most
beautif ul baby you"ve seen?
Well, to be honest, yeah.
Let"s go see Bev.
She wants to see you.
Come on, it"II be f un.
Mommy"s 15, Daddy"s a moron,
and they want us to celebrate.
We know better.
l"II be back later.
Come on, Leo.
For the record,
l"m on your side.
Mr. and Mrs. Hasek,
I have your baby.
Hey, can you wait one second?
Hey, Bev.
l"m sorry I broke your water.