Ten more minutes.
Be quiet for a minute.
Jason, God!
Can"t he hit the bowl?
You"re distracting me.
-Jason won"t leave me alone!
You"re his mother.
I got four weeks to study
for the SAT, for the scholarship.
I know you"re smart,
and you have dreams.
But you need a job.
This one pays for living expenses.
I told you to change his diaper
an hour ago.
He loves when you do it.
-I have to iron now.
Change it!
Mommy has to study.
l"m doing everything I can
to get us out of here.
Mr. Stinky Pants.
What happened?
What happened?
He peed in my mouth!
Come here, Jason.
Come on, big boy.
Jason, God bless you.
You make your grandma so happy.
Mommy pee-pee mouth.
-l"II get this one.
-What do I do?
Let"s throw some more.
Check it out.
-I don"t have any rocks.
-You don"t need rocks after this.
Yeah! All right!
You okay?
How long you been sick?
About ten--