Which song do you like the best?
The best?
Maybe "Glide".
I like them all, but for me
"Abnormality" is the best one.
From Philia?!
How could you?
There're Lily fans from before,
and fans from when she went solo.
You like the solo stuff?
I don't know much about Philia
and I don't like Kamakatsu.
That's too bad.
Philia's great!
Have you heard them?
Weren't they great?
I don't know.
All she did was sing.
You don't know?
She wrote all the lyrics!
They were ghost-written.
That's what some people say.
But I don't believe it.
It can't be true.
Here, listen to this!
You know it?!
Sure. "Manic & Depressive".