Turn a round.
You're crackers from 7 in the evening
until 8 in the morning
and then you're okay.
What's "crackers"?
You're "crackers" too, at 8:10.
You're crackers from 7 pm to 8 am,
so we're a good match.
It's Donald Duck.
Wipe it off.
- Whose make-up is it?
- A girl lived here.
- Where is she?
- Gone.
- What's her name?
- Laurence.
- Is she pretty?
- Yes, very.
Talk, dark, with beautiful eyes...
Did it last long?
A year.
Do you still love her?
No, it's over... Divorced.
I don't believe you.
Reading Stendhal?
You should too.
"The Red and the Black" is our story.
What time is it?
Nearly nine.
I have to go
before Sylvia grasses on me.
What's "grasses"?
- She might tell on me.
- Tell what?
I had to swear not to see you.
Marco says you're too crazy for me.