Roberto Succo

How come it's here?
He picked up his own car
but no one not iced it here.

Maybe he left on foot.
Without the hostages then.
Lea! Come on!
- Why are you here?
- Skive off!

- It's my birthday.
- Is it?

Happy birthday.
- How old are you?
- 25.

- 25! Are you sure?
- Of course.

- Do you know this place?
- No.

I never visit churches,
they're spooky.

I've been here at least 20 times.
Do you believe in God?
No, I don't. Religion's bullshit.
I don't need a leader.
Nothing scares me.
Not even death?
Death doesn't count.
Life is just a dream.

Here, this is for you.
An engagement ring, for you and me.
Thank you.
Now, we're engaged.
