...than succeed as
a Bobby Beers clone?
You can write a song about
why I would wanna do that!
All right, you're gone. Just go!
What's so fucking funny?
Babe, come on. Let's go.
Fine. This is my mike stand!
I'm taking it! These are my cables.
I'll get new cables.
-Don't think I'm coming back.
-I don't.
-Well, that's because I'm not.
I'm serious. If I leave,
I'm not coming back!
-You said that!
-Shut up, Bradley.
Last time.
If you still want to manage us,
then it's okay with us.
Rob, I'm a businesswoman.
Rule one in this business is
you go where the talent is...
...and all the fucking talent
that was in this band just left.
You know, those guys are
so replaceable.
It'll take me five minutes to put
together a band and blow them away.
Maybe this is just a sign.
You know, just time to move on.