Hey, hey, hey, hey ! That was my CD.
Don't you ever touch a Chinese man's CD.
Did you see the way those girls drove off ? They was laughing at us.
Those girls drove off because of you.
All I did was invite them to have a drink.
You invited them to get naked and sacrifice a small goat.
Which word was "goat" ?
You owe me a copy of the beach boys' greatest hits.
Don't be gettin' no attitude with me, Lee.
I been here three days and ain't done nothin' but work your cases.
Only reason why I'm here in Hong Kong is 'cause you said you was gonna show me a good time.
I'm on vacation, man, and I want some mu shu.
- Mu shu ? You hungry ? - No, Lee, not mu shu.
Some mu shu. I wanna see some women, man.
Now stop playin' dumb and show me to the shu.
[ cell phone ringing ]
[ Cantonese ]
[ Cantonese ]
What was that ?
Did you just take another damn case on my vacation, man ?
Of course not. My superintendent invited us to a club.
Big party tonight. -Don't be messin' with me, Lee.
I will slap you so hard, you'll end up in the Ming dynasty.
I mean it, man. I'll bitch-slap you back to Bangkok.
- Big party ? - Big one.
Okay, well, let's go party then.
[ disco ]
Hey, this is nice. Hey, Cutie.
They don't like tourists in here, so try to blend in.
What do you mean, blend in ? I'm two feet taller than everybody in here.
[ Cantonese ] [ Cantonese ]
Wait here. Where you goin' ?
Bathroom. -Hurry back, man, 'cause we gonna party.
Ah, yeah !