No ! no ! no ! no !
[ grunting ]
[ tires screeching ]
[ Cantonese ]
[ horns honking ]
Lee !
[ horns honking ]
Look, you've been ordered by the ministry of public security...
to assist the F.B.I. and secret service in our investigation,
to provide us with whatever we need.
you have information, it belongs to us.
This is still Hong Kong.
Two Americans have been killed on United States government property.
Give me two copies of that.
This is our investigation.
Chief inspector Lee will supervise your people.
No, he will report to me.
Do we understand each other ?
[ wolf whistle ]
What the hell is that ?
That is, uh, chief inspector Lee.
I ain't never been humiliated and embarrassed like that...
in my whole entire life.
Got me runnin' around Hong Kong butt-naked, thanks to you.
Thanks to me ? Yeah, thanks to you.
You needed backup, so I gave you backup.
I was about to kick Ricky Tan's ass, and his bodyguards', till you messed it up.
- Stop. I'm sick of your bullshit. - I'm sick of you !
I'm not the one runnin' up in karaoke bars full of gangsters.
and I'm not the one runnin' up in massage parlors lookin' for crime lords.
- It's my job. - It's your job.
You pitiful, man. When are you gonna have some fun ?
When are you gonna take a day off ? When are you gonna go on a date ?