Lee and Carter are officially out of the secret service's way.
[ indistinct ] Correct.
[ rap ]
[ rapper: indistinct ]
[ stops ]
This is my informant's place. They got pretty good ribs here too.
I like kosher.
[ Cantonese ]
Hey. Hey, wait.
[ Cantonese ]
[ chattering ]
Oh, I know I don't think I see what I see what I'm thinkin' !
I know good and well y'all ain't gamblin' back here !
This is supposed to be a Chinese restaurant ! What you doin' in here, James ?
You about to go to jail. You about to go to jail, and all your little friends.
Everybody pack up your stuff and let's get outta here. Pack up, and let's go !
-All right, all right. Let's talk outside. - You wanna talk outside ?
-Yes. -Let's go then. You wanna talk.
- As long as you wanna talk. - [ Cantonese ]
Where you get that from ? I like that.
That's good. -What's up, Kenny ?
-James Carter. -What's up ?
What's up is I heard you was gettin' your ass kicked out there in Hong Kong, brother.
-What ? -That's right.
You crazy. Who told you that ? - I got my sources.
Don't you worry about that. -They tellin' you lies.
Look, man. I'm about to bust you if you don't give me some information.
How you gonna come up here and jam me up like this, James ? Huh ?
You embarrass me in front of my wife, my kids out there.
Kenny, you embarrassin' yourself.
You a black man with a Chinese restaurant on crenshaw.
You come up in here, you ain't show me no badge.
You ain't even flashed a warrant.
Know what I'm gonna do for you ? I'm gonna whup your ass.
and then I'm gonna whup your ass.