I have never Iistened to Wagner.
-Broaden your horizons!
-That doctor is so insistent!
-But I'm not sick!
-We wish you much success.
Sir, why are they badly dressed?
My friends, how could I think,,,
that you would get along so badly?
I'll tell you one day,
I'm in a strange situation,
Why quarrel with everyone?
If you do, we will never discover
why we are here,
Such clothing kills
a man's creative essence!
Why do you find it necessary
to embrace European culture?
For what reason?
Why borrow also Europe's mistakes?
My God! What is all this?
What an elevated approach to art!
What feel for the material!
How wonderful!
He is a true heir to the masters of antiquity!
Canova almost married my mother.
Was your mother a sculptress?
Yes. In Rome.
In Rome? Your mother, a sculptress,,,,
In this Canova collection,
there are even sculptures...
that Tsar AIexander bought from the wife....
Of Napoleon?
It was 1815, I was at the Congress of Vienna.
What were you doing there?