Yes, there it is.
-Something to say about Rubens?
-Van Dyck.
Rubens considered van Dyck
to be his best pupil.
You know, there was a time
when all these paintings...
were placed much higher
and much closer to one another.
The Tsar himself supervised
how they were hung. Did you know this?
-Who are you?
-I'm a sailor.
-Yes, the Navy.
The Tsar visited his collection
every morning.
He personally saved all this...
during the fire.
-Which fire?
-In 18....
So you are asking me?
Enough, Iet's go.
It's time for me to go.
May I accompany you?
What a pity.
I must ask you to Ieave.
The museum is closing.
PIease see yourself to the exit.
Quiet. CIose the door.
The museum is closing.