Hey, girl.
Come in.
- So you found the place okay ?
- Yeah, it was fine.
All right, I'm just gonna get
my coat and then we'll be out.
Cool outfit.
Slammin' outfit.
Momma Dean ?
I'm leaving.
I-I look okay, right ?
Uh, yeah.
You look all right.
Momma Dean, Sara.
Sara, Mom, aka Momma Dean.
Hi, sweetheart.
How are you ?
And handsome here
is Christopher.
Now don't get him
all riled up, Chenille.
I'm gonna get me
some sleep tonight.
- Glad to have met you.
- Bye.
I'll be home at 1 :00
at the latest.
Is that-- Is he yours ?
He sure ain't
Momma Dean's.
- Here is your I.D.
- Thankyou.
Chenille !
She's ugly ! She's fat.
She's 21 . Come on, girl,
let's roll. I ain't got all night.
Wait, wait, I just have to ask you
a question. Do I really look okay ?
Yo, Lakisha,
let me use your car.
I just want to sit
in it for a minute.
- All right?
- All right.
- Come on.
- What ? I-I thought--
- Get in. Let's go, let's go.
- Okay.