So, you get along
with your mom ?
You know, you all
tight and shit ?
Yeah. We got along,
tight and shit.
-How come you never talk about her ?
-'Cause there's nothing to say.
It's because you don't
talk about her.
What do you want
me to do ?
I don't know,
just say something about her.
I mean, you don't
say anything about her.
Well, she's dead. God,
what do you want me to do,
-run through the streets screaming ?
-If it helps.
Well, it won't,
so drop it.
Didn 't mean to press you
about your mom.
It's all right.
Don't worry about it.
Get along with your dad ?
Y'all tight and shit ?
Yeah, we're both tight
and shit. Our DNA matches.
- [ Sara ] What is this place ?
- Well, in a few months,
it'll be Club Med
for the homeless, but right now...
just an old furniture spot
I used to work at last summer.
Hop, step, back. Okay ?
Real simple, do it with me, right ?
- [Hip-hop]
- Hop, step, back. Got that ?
Try it one more time. Add on the
next part after that, all right ?
Six, seven, eight.
Step, back, break, spin,
out, up, step.
Chilly on that ?
One more time.
Okay, on this part ?
It's like we're battling, right ?
It's like a challenge.
When I step forward like this,
you have to challenge me
back into my space,
and I challenge you back
in your space, like this.
So, it's back, front,
back, front,
back, front,
like that, that kinda feel.
Step, back, forth, back.