Plus, my relationship
counseling sessions--
Yeah. I go two hours,
three times a week.
Oh. Who's your counselor?
We don't think she's right for you.
Break up with her.
She's ruining our lives and yours.
This graph should
illustrate our point.
Before Judith, our fun level
was at an all-time high: 93.
It is now an eight.
Band numbers have
plunged dramatically.
Girls, never very high, at nine.
But look now. Two!
This has led to increased wanking off.
I'm chafing.
Shit, I gotta go home
and heat the wax.
Guys, listen.
Thanks for your concern, really.
I miss you too. But it was great
seeing you, all right?
That guy's in serious trouble.
We need to save him.
Sorry to bother you.
What are you doing here?
We want to apologize
for the beer shower.
And the salsa bath. That was bad.
-Get the hell out of here.
-Just give us a minute, okay?
My rate is $200 an hour.
Do you have any money?
I got some of that.
Just give me the big bills.
Six. Is that all you have?
Thirty. $7.38.
Two and a half minutes.
We don't want you seeing Darren.
We don't think you're right for him.
The band needs him.
-But we're prepared to buy you off.
-With what?
My house.
Okay? Look.
My grandma here? She was born in this
house, is buried in the back yard.
There's my mom...
...there's my dad and there's me.