-And we kidnapped her.
-Kill her.
Wait a minute and let me finish.
So we screwed up because now
she knows who we are.
So we can't let her go,
or she'll turn us in.
Is that everything?
Kill her.
We can't kill her.
You can! Wheaton Warbirds can do
anything they put their minds to.
But, coach, I mean, come on,
actually kill a person?
What is it that I always said?
If you can dream it, you can do it.
You have the dream. All you have
to do is turn it into reality.
Now, go on home and snuff her.
-Come on, move.
-Thanks, coach.
Where's your bird suit?
I don't need it, because we're--
Because we're gonna kill you. Right?
You aren't going to shoot me.
What makes you say that?
Because you're not killers.
Sure we are.
You've never killed anyone.
I killed a man once.
-Oh, really?
-Kevin Beckley.
You didn't kill Kevin Beckley.
He died in a car wreck.
-She doesn't know that. Goddamn it.
-You see?
You guys have never killed anything
in your entire lives.
One time, this squirrel ran out
into the street and I ran over him...
...and he didn't die right then, but
I'm pretty sure he died right after.
It doesn't matter if we've killed
or not! We're gonna do it right now!
-Do it.
-I can't!
Goddamn it!
-Okay, it's Tuesday.