No, I got your page.
I'm sorry, I was kind of tied up.
No way, I am not selling it. Sorry, man.
Friday's all right,
I got to be back by noon, though.
Hold on a second, will you?
-Get the $200.
Yeah, I know, the gray Caddy,
the shocks are blown on it.
Yeah, what about the blue van?
I got the heater working like a charm.
Okay. All right.
Listen, about that $200 I lent you.
Yeah, you think l--
All right, boss, I'll see you tomorrow.
All right, bye.
I'm going to do a pickup for him tomorrow
and I'll get it from him then.
You're driving your gangster friend around
on the day of your bachelor party?
-He likes me. What do you want me to say?
-You could try "no" for once.
We have a level of mutual respect going on.
Wouldn't be smart to let him down now.
Mutual respect? You're his driver.
Yeah, but $600 a pop
is good dough for my shop.
You don't have a shop.
I'm getting there, aren't l?
That's why I got to establish
a good relationship with the clientele.
Baby, you don't need clientele like that.
You know, you're working for them,
you're working with them...
pretty soon you'll turn into one of them.
Clientele is clientele.
Rick is dangerous, okay?