-I have a delivery from Mr. Wayne.
-Who are you?
-A messenger.
I got a delivery here for Mr. Berg's son.
-What is it?
-It's a gift for Blake.
You'll have to come back later.
Wait. It's a surprise for his birthday.
His birthday isn't until next week.
-Ready for your test?
-Dad, please.
Come on now.
Spell "Christmas."
What you going to give me if I get it right?
I'm not going to give you anything. Spell it.
I don't know about that,
I'm just a delivery person.
Mr. Wayne asked me to drop it off,
that's all I know.
I don't know anything about any gift.
Of course you wouldn't.
Then it wouldn't be a surprise.
Can you take it?
-Careful, now.
-You sure about that "T"?
-You're positive?
You are correct.
Last night, for a fact, I know,
Mr. Wayne spoke with Mr. Berg.
They know all about it.
I am just delivering a gift, that's all. Please.
He didn't tell me anything.
You have to wait and talk to him.
He'll be back soon.
The kid comes back,
he knows it's a surprise...
-and I'm out of a job. You understand?
-I can't open the door. I'm sorry.
-What's in the box?
-Just a little girl. Her name is Fanny.
-What's yours?
-Say hello to Teresa.
-Hello, Fanny. Hi.
-She's sweet, huh?