Scenes of the Crime

Nice place.

-Anything for you?
-No, thanks.

You can leave.
-Just a few minutes, please.

-So, Mr. Wayne.
-So, Mr. Morrison.

-I want my money back.

-I want Jim Berg back.

You give me my money
and you get Berg back.

I understood the first time.
You know how much he took from me?
-In the neighborhood of $7 million.
-$7.2 million.

You know that two of my guys were killed?
One of them was Kevin Milton.
That was his son.

The old man say anything to you yet?
Last I heard,
he was in Florida dying of cancer.

Like everybody else.
Look, nothing personal,
but if I don't get my money back...

I'll do what I have to do,
and Rick Woods will execute Berg.
