Scenes of the Crime

-How long we going to have to wait here?
-As long a.s Seth wa.nts us to.

This is bullshit. This is pussy duty, man.
Just keep your eyes open.
-I don't know. It's a 50-50 shot.
-Put it away.

-I didn't say I couldn't do it.
-Greg, put that fucking thing away.

-What do you want me to do?

We don't want to scare that guy.
You're not to shoot him
or do anything to jeopardize Jimmy's life.

-Do you like your job?

-The job that Jimmy gave you?

You want to do something?
Do something with him.

How long do you think
you'll be able to handle the pressure?

How long do you think
you'll be able to handle the pressure?

Let me give you some advice.
I know exactly what I have to do.
Wait. So we're gonna sit tight. Piece of cake.
You're Morrison's great white hope now.
You know he's talking to my partner, right?

What do you think
they're negotiating about? Me.

That makes me your problem
and your solution.

You get the call to let me go, fine.
You're going back to your life.

You get the call to shoot me,
what are you going to do?

Option one: You defy orders,
refuse to shoot me...

can't bring yourself to kill me.
I get to live a little longer, enjoy myself.

Morrison, he's gonna be pissed.
He's going to want to punish you big time.
Serious problem.
Now you get the call to shoot me
and you do it...

Morrison's happy but Steven's pissed.
He's going to come looking for you,
all the time, everywhere.

You'll spend your life
looking over your shoulder till he finds you.

And he will find you.
