Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi

Listen and I' ll
tell you what to do

Stay here, and they' ll find you
I' ll distract them
In the meantime. you escape

No, don' t go i.
Stay with me. please

You have no choice,
if you want to survive here

And save your parents, too
So they did turn into pigs...
I wasn' t dreaming...

Be still...
When things quiet down,
go out by the back gate

Take the stairs. all the way down
Until you reach the boiler room,
where they stoke the fires

Kamaji' s there, so look for him
Ask him for work
Even if he rejects you. persist
If you don' t work, Yubaba will
turn you into an animal

You' ll see
She' s the sorceress who rules our world

Kamaji will turn you away,
trick you into you leaving,

but keep on asking him for work
lt' ll be hard work,
but it will give you a chance

Then even Yubaba can' t harm you
Master Haku, Master Haku!
I have to go
Remember, Chihiro
I' m your friend

How do you know my name?
I' ve known you
since you were small

My name is Haku
Here I am !
Master Haku. Yubaba wants you
I know
It' s about my task
