...allowed my mother and I
to live well.
I grew up in a dangerous world
of one gamble after another...
...everything always
veering to the right.
But girls' magazines were
more important to me, I guess.
I'd gaze at the pictures and dream
of the day I'd meet my prince.
Was that when...
...the studio discovered you?
I'll never know...
...what the managing director
of Ginei Studios...
...saw in a snub-nosed little girl
on her way to school.
Is there nothing I can say?
My mother here...
...thinks that being an actress
is a dubious profession.
"Dubious', she called it?
Our new film is set in Manchuria.
It will cheer on our soldiers there...
...and encourage all the people
of our nation!
...Chiyoko wants to be
of service to her country!
Perhaps, but this child is far
too timid to ever be an actress!
She will find a husband
and succeed me in our store.
Isn't that right?
Does a sweetshop matter more
than a nation?!
Does a woman not serve her nation
by staying home and bearing children?