
- Yeah.
- Fate's behind everything?

- I think so.
- Everything's predestined?

- We don't have any choice at all?
- I thinkwe make our own decisions.

I just think that fate
sends us little signs,

and it's how we read the signs
that determines whether
we're happy or not.

- Little signals. Yeah.
- Yeah.

Fortunate accidents.
Lucky discoveries.
Columbus in America.

- Yeah, or Fleming
discovering penicillin.
- Penicillin.

- Fleming is his name?
- Yes.

Or "Jonathan
and the Gloves."

- I don't know that one.
- You don't know that story?

It's an old
folk tale classic.

Our hero, Jonathan, goes out
in search of black gloves.

And in a perfect act
of "serendipiocity"
or "serendipaciousness,"

he runs into a beautiful, attractive
English girl with a boyfriend.

You have a boyfriend, right?
- Yeah, I do.
- That's what I thought.

- And you have the glove lady.
- Yes, I do.

- Mm-hmm.
- It was a very nice time.

- Well, I hope you enjoy the
gloves you bought yourself.
- Oh, I'm sure I will.

I usually appreciate
my own thoughtfulness.
What do you want for Christmas?

- Golfclubs.
- Oh.

So you're gonna meet
your boyfriend now or what?

No, I think he's probably
out doing what you're doing.

Getting a crush on
someone else's girlfriend?

No, I'm sorry. I just meant to say
I had a really great time.

You know, maybe you should
give me your phone number,
you know, just in case.

- In case of what?
- You know, in case of life.

I just had a great time, and I'd
never be able to find you again.

Well, if we're meant to meet again,
then we'll meet again.

It's just not
the right time now.

Maybe we were supposed
to meet on British time
and we're five hours too early.

Come on.
I don't even know your name.
My name is Jonathan.

- Does that make you
wanna tell me something?
- Yeah, it does.

Merry Christmas, Jonathan.
And thanks.

That's it?
# I can feel my heart #
- Oh, Jesus, I'm sorry about that.
- # And it's about to burst #
