# I don't wanna wait
in vain for your love #
# I don't wanna wait
in vain for your love #
# 'Cause summer is here #
- # And I'm still waiting there #
- # Summer is here #
- # Winter is here #
- # Winter is here #
# I'm still waiting there #
# Like I said #
# It's been three years since
I'm knocking on your door #
# And I still can knock
some more #
# Ooh, boy Ooh, boy #
# Is it crazy
Look, I wanna know now #
# For I to knock
some more, you see #
# In life I know ##
You got to say yes, first.
- Wait a second.
- Ow!
- Let me-- Ow! Ow! Ow!
- I got it. I got it.
- Ow, ow. Ow!
- I got it.
Okay, you're not gonna
read into this, right, Sara?
- I mean, it's just
an accident, nothing more.
- No.
God. We'll
get it refitted.
It's beautiful.
I love it.
You-You get changed.
I'm gonna call Ryan,
tell him you said yes.
- Why? Was he worried?
- Not about you. About the tour.
He's hoping to fit the honeymoon
into the schedule.