About fifteen minutes.
Okay, I'll tell him right now.
That was Bill Griggs.
He says he'll be here in a minute.
Okay, thanks.
See you.
- Can I ask you a question?
- Sure.
When was the hospital actually
I am curious because
you have the firearm on.
And people aren't trying to get out.
- Not out, in!
- Who?
Kids, delinquents, homeless.
A lot of patients ended up
in the streets when it closed.
Some come back. I found half a dozen
there last spring.
- The patients come back?
- God knows why!
I'd rather sleep in the street,
- But then, I'm not nuts!
- Obviously.
- There he is. Good luck, fellas.
- Thanks.
- Are we first in line?
- Nope.
Environmental Solutions and American
Yankees were up here last week.
What was their bid?
The Yankees bid was fast and low.
The way Griggs like them.
He likes jobs fast.
- I like them safe.
- But we cannot gamble with this.
You want me to talk to him?
I know what I'm doing.
Holy shit! Look at this.
Look at this.
1871 is when she went up.
We call her the "Kirkbride Building",
named after Dr. Thomas Kirkbride.