- Mike, is that story true?
- Yes.
- How do you know that stuff?
- My dad was a lawyer on the case.
His dad's the state attorney
general. Better watch yourself.
Hank, leave it alone.
You were supposed to carry
the torch too, huh?
Hank, drop it.
Were you on the one year plan?
- You need help with that?
- No, I'm fine.
- Jesus!
- Tough week-end?
I think I pulled a muscle.
Mike and I called you Saturday to
take you out for winning the bid.
That was nice.
I was catching up on sleep.
- Baby still have that ear thing?
- Yeah.
If we don't make Monday...
- Griggs likes jobs fast.
- What if we lose this bonus?
We won't.
I know where this is leading.
Jeff is young, but he isn't stupid.
I'm not talking about Jeff.
Saturday night we saw Craig McManus.
I told him about the bonus.
He said he would leave Yankee
and work for us.
He has more experience than Hank
and he gives a shit.
Your job here
is to eliminate obstacles.
That's what I'm trying to do.
Jesus, man.
We're talking about Hank.
If I thought he was a liability,
I'd let you sack him.
- I don't agree.
- I don't care!
- Let's finish the decon chamber.
- Fine.
- Alright.
- Go slow, turn right, slow...
Try to get straight!
You have to bring the nose down.