Session 9

- You know what they're for?
- What?

Porsche 911.
And that was the tip.
Fucking tip!
What's your point?
I have an exit plan.
If you stick with this job too long,
it will mess you up.

It gets inside and stresses you.
You see?
Already a piece of this shit
may have gone into your lungs.
It incubates in your lungs and tissue
grows around it like a pearl.

Like a time bomb.
By the time you hit 30...

You're drowning in
your own lung fluid.

You're not even wearing
your mask now.

- Where's your mask?
- Me?

No, I've learned.
I have an exit plan.

I have a way of dealing
with the stress.

You think Mike
reads all those books for fun?

He has an exit plan, I tell you.
If the stress gets too intense
on this job,

he'll go back and finish law school.
He'll pass the bar

and make his dad proud.
That's his exit plan.

Phil's got his stress reducer.
He's got this plan.
He'll tell you about it some day.

Then there's Uncle Gordo.
If he didn't get this gig,
he'd have to fold H.E.G.

He can't even have an exit plan.
Fiber has always been his life.
