Yeah, this is it. The old hacienda.
Bit remote, innit? Cut off.
No, it's perfect, Don.
It's just how we like it.
D'you wanna look round?
Yeah, I will in a minute,
when I have a piss.
Right, girls, you fit?
Where you goin'?
Taking the ladies out to eat.
Leave you two to it.
- Ain't I invited?
- No, Don.
No, no - course you are!
Only I thought you'd want
some time. Talk about things.
No, I'm jokin'. It's all right.
Here y'are, I'll get it.
That's all right, Don.
No need for that.
Aitch! Behave.
I'm payin' for your meal.
Oh, that's, er, very kind of you.
- Very nice of you.
- Shut up.
(Cicadas chirping)
Yeah, this is all right, innit?
Not bad.
What's that?
- A swimming pool.
- It's a bath, innit?
- We had an accident.
- Accident?
Yeah, this boulder
came rollin' down the hill,
just missed me.
Smashed some tiles. Look.
- You happy here?
- Yeah. Very.
What did Jackie say?
- Just that something was happening.
- Which it is. And?
- You were planning something.
- And you said?
I didn't say much, just listened.
She put a question to you.