Sir, I'm afraid you can't smoke.
What? What do you want?
Your cigarette,
you have to put it out.
Cigarette? What, this?
- No, I'm not gonna.
- You must.
- Why's that?
- If you don't, we can't take off.
Well, that's your problem, innit?
It's your move.
- I'm afraid...
- I won't put it out,
just wait till I've finished it,
simple as that.
Why don't you just put it out?
You want me to cut your hands
off and use it as an ashtray?
You prepared to let me
stub it out on your eyeball?
I'll put it out. Agreeable?
Here come the gay brigade, look.
I'll tell you what...
I'll get off the plane.
You happy with that?
I'm happy with that.
I'll smoke it outside.
Open the door!
I hope this crashes.
Open the fucking door!
(Door opens)