- What´s that?
- lt´s a boulder.
- A what?
- A fuckin´ boulder.
- I think l´ve got the fuckin´ bends.
- How did that happen?
I don´t fuckin´ know. Where´s the mobile?
I almost got killed, Dee.
I was that close to gettin´ killed.
Serious. You nearly come home
to a squashed husband.
Here you are. Give your mate a call. Go on.
- Who?
- Your mate. The one with the truck.
- Felipe?
- Yeah, if that´s his name. Give him a call.
Don´t worry, darlin´. It´s nothin´.
Come here.
That´s done a fair bit of damage there, Gal.
- Cracked the tiles, look.
- Yeah, I had noticed.
- When´s it gettin´ fixed?
- Saturday, apparently.
- Wouldn´t bet on it.
- They´re takin´ the boulder out Tuesday
and retiling on the Saturday, I hope.
Fuckin´ hell!
Fuckin´ thing.
- He should be in the circus. He´s a menace.
- Are you all right, darlin´?
Yeah, l´m all right.
Oi, Gal.