People say ´´Don´tyou miss it, Gal?´´
I say ´´What, England? Nah.´´
´´Fuckin´ place. It´s a dump.
Don´t make me laugh.´´
´´Grey, grimy, sooty.´´
´´What a shithole. What a toilet.´´
´´Every cunt with a long face,
shufflin´ about, moanin´ or worried.´´
´´No, thanks. Not for me.´´
They say ´´What´s it like, then? Spain.´´
And l´ll say ´´lt´s hot.´´
´´lt´s fuckin´ hot.´´
´´Too hot?´´
´´Not for me.´´
´´I love it.´´
He ain´t gonna hit fuck-all
with that blunderbuss.
- A spear´d be better.
- Shut up, Aitch.
l´ll give you 100 to 1.