- This is very serious, Mr Logan.
- lt´s very serious.
l´ve been here for five hours.
- As you may know, European airlines...
- I wanna say somethin´.
Let me ask you somethin´, please.
Have you ever been sexually assaulted?
No, neither have l, until today, on that plane.
- What?
- Yeah, that´s what I said.
There´s me, puttin´ my bag
in the cupboard, next I know,
I feel hands on me. Someone´s touched me.
Touched my front... my front bottom.
I can´t believe it. l´ve gone all cold.
I look round, he´s standin´ there, isn´t he?
That steward, with the guilty look on his face.
I was shocked. I didn´t know what to say.
I had to sit down, I was that perturbed.
Then his mate, the other one,
who´s givin´ us all lessons
on what we do if we land in the sea,
he starts an´ all, starts lookin´
at me all funny, suggestive.
Now, I don´t know whether they wanted me
for a two´s-up or somethin´,
but I tell you what, it scared me.
I was shakin´ like a leaf.
So, without thinkin´, I lit up
a cigarette to calm me nerves.
I was tremblin´. I was very emotional.
And that´s when all the rest of it happened.
It´s very regrettable.
Now, I don´t wanna kick up a fuss.
Right? Press charges,
contact the British Embassy.
l´d rather not pursue those channels.
Not my style. l´m not that sort of a bloke.
I wouldn´t want to lose the man
his job. Man´s got to eat.
And l´m sure he´s not representative
of all you Spanish people.
But I would appreciate it
if you´d have a word with him,
let him know he´s been rumbled.
It´s the one with the ginger hair.
Well, what do you think he´s saying?
´´Gal told me to go fuck meself´´?