Not this time, Gal. Not this time.
Not this fuckin´ time. No!
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
No! No, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
No! Not this fuckin´ time! No fuckin´ way,
no fuckin´ way, no fuckin´ way!
You made me look a right cunt!
Like a right fuckin´ Mr Confused.
´´What´s he doin´?´´
What´s Jackie gonna think?
Not that I care any more.
That´s your fault, fuckin´ me about.
Is your middle name ´´Ungrateful´´ or what?
Ain´tyou got nothin´ to say?
Just gonna stand there like Porky Pig,
hidin´ behind your wife´s skirt,
your ex-porn star wife´s skirt?!
I don´t give two fucks what Jackie Big Tits
thinks about me comin´ back.
I got enough information on her.
So she´s got a pretty face.
That can change! Age changes that. l´m
lookin´ forward to seein´ her when she´s 70,
see if she´s still comin´ the cunt
with a face like a prune!
Can´t fuckin´ wait!
Aitch´ll be well gone by then!
l´m gonna kill you, Gal.
l´m gonna fuckin´ kill him.
What, you point a gun at me?
You point a gun at me?!
Gonna shoot me, are ya?
Gonna shoot me?
Go on, then, shoot me. It´s all right.
Shoot me.
l´ll have that.
There you go.