This is very serious, Mr Logan.
You're right,
I've been here for five hours.
As you may know, all European...
Before you start,
let me ask you something, please.
Have you ever been
sexually assaulted?
Neither have I, until today.
- What?
- That's what I said.
I'm putting my bag
up in the cupboard,
next thing, I feel hands on me,
someone's touched me,
touched my front...my front bottom.
I've gone all cold.
I look round, he's standing there,
that steward
with a guilty look on his face.
I didn't know what to say.
I had to sit down,
I was that perturbed.
Then his mate, the other one
telling us what to do if we crash,
he starts and all,
starts lookin' at me all funny.
I don't know if they wanted me
for a twos-up or something,
I don't know how they work it,
but it scared me,
I was shakin' like a leaf.
So without thinking, I lit
a cigarette to calm my nerves.
I was tremblin',
I was very emotional.
That's when the rest happened.
It's very regrettable.
Now, I don't want to
kick up a fuss, right?
Press charges,
contact the British Embassy.
I'd rather not pursue
those channels, it's not my style.
I wouldn't lose the man his job,
man's got to eat.
I'm sure he1s not representative
of all you Spanish people.
But have a word with him,
let him know he's been rumbled.
It's the one with the ginger hair.
(Aitch) What d'you think he's saying?
"Gal told me to go fuck myself"?
(Dee) Gal, how long you gonna be?
I'm just combing my hair.
- He'd look a right cunt.
- He is.