Red, it's been a long time.
King Sky, you've beaten me to it.
ln your clan,
everything must go through the system
One can never act without instructions.
Frankly, l'm surprised you're here at all.
lf lnsomnia hadn't
destroyed Kun Lun 200 years ago,
you'd probably be in the same position.
Anyway, a war is inevitable.
How would you judge lnsomnia's strength?
Omei is the last line of defense.
As lnsomnia has made a move, he can't be bluffing.
From what l've seen on my way here,
he is many times more powerful than before.
ln that case, we must evacuate those troops first.
The path ahead has suddenly changed into a cliff.
There were ghostly cries coming from 3 miles away.
This is just a ploy. They won't scare us off.
We must forge ahead at all costs!
Yes, sir!
Captain Lo and Captain Tai.
Go with my daughter as the advance party.
Hurry up, we're moving out!